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So in Guatemala every Thursday was our “Activation” day. The entire squad would stay and be given a lesson instead of going to their regular ministry. The main theme behind these lessons was to teach us about the five fold ministry and how we can put them into practice.
For those of you that were like me and don’t know what the five fold ministries are then I’ll explain.

Ephesians 4:11-12(NIV)
“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up…”

So the five are as follows: Apostleship, Evangelism, Prophets, Pastoring, and Teaching.
Every Thursday we would be given a lesson regarding one specific role and then in the afternoon be given a chance to put what we learned into practice by going to the city of Paramos and doing some ATL(Ask the Lord).

These were all some of my favorite days because each lesson was done in such a way that it really simplified the way we should approach and understand each of these roles. I’ve heard good sermons and teachings regarding some of these before, but many times they are overcomplicated, met with controversy, or simply ignored. However every lesson I heard was incredibly simple. They didn’t go through leaps and bounds and extra hoops. They simply used scripture. Forget our opinions and interpretations, what does the scripture show and say? It was an incredibly refreshing new perspective. This new perspective so simple to understand, but now the application of it was the next step. I wouldn’t say it’s easy, but it is simple. As I said earlier, after each lesson we’d then go to Paramos and simply search for opportunities to evangelize and plant seeds. I can remember that each time we went out the Lord always provided an opportunities. I was usually involved since i would translate for my non-spanish speaking friends, however even when I wouldn’t be leading a conversation it was such a blessing to see my friends working for the kingdom and showing the love of Christ.

When I’d come to the end of the day I’d look back and thank the Lord for the blessings and things he revealed about himself and myself.

Being an Apostle means we are called to be ambassadors of the Kingdom, bringing it into every aspect of your life. Being an Evangelist means not only spreading the gospel but having a love for the lost, the same love that Christ has. Being a Prophet is not just simply prophesying for something in the future, but rather listening to the Lord and being ready to speak when you hear it, allowing God to speak his words through you. Teaching is not preaching, it is being able to share what God speaks into your life. Anyone could study to preach, but true teaching comes from others seeing your walk and the ways that God has grown you. Teach by example and with a hunger to hear from the lord through his words. Lastly Pastoring means to protect, love, and guide. It is not some man or woman that stands at the pulpit that teaches every Sunday, rather it is anyone who cares for those around him as Jesus did. David was a pastor, a shepherd. He protected his flock from lions and bears, he loved and cared for them, and he guided them to food and water in order to keep them safe.

These are just short summaries of the in-depth lessons I learned, but even still, I hope a clearer picture has been painted.

We are all called to live out each of these five ministries. Jesus was the perfect man who fully walked in every one of these and as we are called to live as he did then so too are we called to walk in all five. Some of us might fall into one more than another, but that does not mean we are exempt from the rest. Regardless of how “gifted” we are in certain areas, we are called to press into more, not for our own sakes, but for the body of Christ.

As Ephesians 4:12 says, “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up…”

These gifts and callings, roles of the kingdom, are meant to build each other up. We are not to be prideful in places we have been gifted. We are also not to hide our gifts away out of supposed “humbleness”. The body feeds off of each other and as such we must be willing to share and support one another with what we have learned.

I am not saying that these aren’t able to be used to grow the kingdom, because they clearly are. Each of these is also used to spread the Gospel of our Savior. They are all used for his glory and are tools that we use to plant seeds. But they are also much more. They are ways in which we can exhort one another and call each other into more. How beautiful would it be if every member of the body walked fully in all five of these roles? How much would the Kingdom grow? These are questions that I’m asking myself right now, and I want to know. I’ll be honest in saying that I fell away from pursuing all five. Life is incredibly busy and distractions are everywhere. But right now I want to call you all to join me in a pursuit to grow in these places. Not just lean on the ones that I am comfortable in, but to press into the ones where I don’t have that same confidence. This is not my identity, but it is what God has called me to do. I am not an Apostle, a Pastor, an Evangelist, a Prophet, or a Teacher. Rather God has blessed me with those tools in order to bring him glory and so I humbly and gratefully accept the call.

I really don’t know what this blog was supposed to be, I just started writing honestly. I’m sorry if there are gaps, if my writing is confusing, or if it simply all just sounds like gibberish. I simply felt like I needed to write something and felt like this was worth sharing. The impact those five days had on my time in Guatemala, and more importantly my own growth and walk with God was too much to not share about.

I don’t know what else to say, so I think I’ll end it here. God is so good. All praise be to him. I pray in Jesus’ name that you would all encounter his Holy Spirit in ways that convict you and call you into more. Do not be complacent. God bless each of you, Amen.

One response to “The Roles the King has Given”

  1. Dom, I’m thrilled to hear and see how the Lord is growing you through these experiences and teachings. Praise the Lord for all He’s doing! Praying for you as you continue to follow after Him in all that you do. Love, prayers and blessings!