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Thoughts & Inspiration

My deepest apologies to all of you who were following me along on this journey. Life on the race is incredibly busy. Whenever there was time away from ministry, it was usually then spent deepening relationships with the squad. That plus the limited amount of Internet added up to me not giving any sort of update whatsoever. I hope that all of you can forgive my slackness.

All that said, so much has happened since my last post. If I made this post a recap of it all it would be extraordinarily long. So instead I’m going to give an update on where I am at right now and then periodically post about events that happened over the past month and a half.

God has been so good to me. Never in my life did I imagine the things I’m doing now. As I write this, I’m sitting in an apartment, in Hue Vietnam. Two days ago we were in Ho Chi Minh for debrief, and drove 20 hours in a sleeper bus to where our ministries were located. The drive up was long and hot, but I got to spend it with some of my favorite people so that made up for a lot. During our debrief time I got to see a lot of the city and culture of Vietnam. Highlights are definitely the food, the price, and how polite everyone I met was. I got to spend some amazing time with my close friends as we prepared to separate for the next month. Now all that’s left is my team. The rest of the squad is off doing their own things and we have our very own little corner of Vietnam. We met with our hosts yesterday evening. While the language barrier and broken english make things a bit difficult, I can already see the love that these people have for their community, and the excitement they have to have us here.
God has taught me a lot over the past month and a half, and I get the sense that this next month is a time where I’ll put a lot of these new lessons to the test. He has been walking me through my identity in him, vulnerability with my team, vulnerability with my emotions and bringing them to God, realizing the power in Jesus’ name and our ability to use that authority, deepen my desire to study the word not just out of obedience but rather true want, strengthen my prayer and intercession for those around me, walk more and more in discernment and to see how the Lord sees, and finally how to walk boldly in new freedoms that the Lord has brought me into.

I’m only a little more than three months into this trip. Time is passing quickly, but I look at it in a different light. We aren’t even at the half way point and I’ve already grown so much. I already can barely recognize the person I was at the start of this trip. So now I look and see that the time I have left is twice the time I’ve been here. I can’t even imagine how far I’ll go and the excitement is killer.
Thank you all for staying with me through all of this. I’m sure that I’m in your prayers, and I would like to have you all in mine. God bless you all. Until next time.

One response to “Back on Track”

  1. You are so loved, missed, and prayed for, Domynik!!!! Our continued prayers for you. Love to you, Nana & Tata