
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It’s hard to remember the exact dates that these things happened. I’m still trying to get better at journaling or at least writing down moments I want to remember. Despite this though I can clearly remember this next event. It was our first Sunday in Guatemala. That Sunday morning I was invited to join some of my friends as they went to Chimaltenango to find a church they had been invited to the day before. Unfortunately they weren’t given clear instructions on how to find the place, so after about an hour of searching we decided to split up so that people could enjoy the rest of their Sabbath. Elise, Emma, and I split off to go get some coffee and then ride a bus back to base. I really enjoyed my time with the two of them just chatting and walking the streets of Chimaltenango. When we got back to base several people wanted to go back out however I felt like staying behind and really enjoying the peaceful afternoon. So I sat on a bean bag and relaxed. I drew in my sketch book for a bit, read my bible, wrote some more in my book, really just appreciating the time, when suddenly the door bell rang at base.
So for context, our base has a main gate and a doorbell. The gate can be opened by a button that is next to security camera monitors, but one of the rules at base is to never let someone in that we don’t recognize. So that being said I heard the door bell ring and began to make my way over to the monitors when suddenly one of our leaders children comes out and opens the gate without looking at the monitor. I quickly check the cameras and see that i don’t recognize the man so I begin to worry a little bit. Then I worry a little bit more as one of my squad mates that speaks no spanish starts walking to the gate so I quickly catch up and answer before anyone else. Sure enough the man at the gate is a complete stranger. I discretely shut the gate since he hadn’t realized it was unlatched and began to talk to him. I asked him if he needed anything and he proceeded to explain how he needed some money to get to the capital. Another rule we were given was to not just hand out money, especially if they were right there at the base (didn’t want to build any unstable financial reliance). So I politely told him that I couldn’t do that but he proceeded to plead with me. He began to open up more about where he had come from and why he needed to get to the city. He asked me what the base was and if there was a way for him to join. I told him that we were missionaries and that it wasn’t just something you could join. He tried then tried to convince me to give him money saying he was a man of his word and would pay back the money the next time he passed by. It was clear he was desperate. I didn’t really trust what he was saying but I got a sudden urge to speak to him more on a deeper level. So against better judgement I opened the gate and stepped outside. We were told not to do exactly what I was doing but I felt so much peace about it and that the lord would protect me from anything the man could or would do. Once we were both on the same side of the gate it made the conversation flow a lot better. I could see him eye to eye without bars between us and really began to feel a connection.
Pretty quickly he opened up about his life, explaining his struggles, his marital status, his family, what he had done the night before, i mean just pouring it out. It was honestly heart breaking to hear how hurt he was and how much guilt he carried.
I was able to share a bit of my own testimony to relate with him and it allowed for the subject of religion to be brought up. I asked him if he believed in God and he said yes, that God was his father. I pressed into it a bit more and asked if he knew Jesus. Now this is where the holy spirit really began to speak through me. He said no, that he really didn’t know much about Jesus. Perfect moment to share the good news. I began to tell him the history of man, the sin that we carry, and most importantly Jesus’ sacrifice for our lives and our salvation. I can’t take any credit for what was said and know that it was all the Holy Spirit, I just made myself available. After sharing this I shared with him the freedom that I found in Jesus and offered it to him as well. At first he was hesitant and made excuses of inadequacy, but I encouraged him to take a step of faith. God doesn’t need any of us to prepare to receive him. We can receive him at any moment because he is constantly calling. So I asked him one more time if he wanted this same freedom and he said yes. So I led him in prayer, prayer for repentance, prayer for forgiveness, prayer for a new heart, accepting his sinfulness and bringing it to Jesus, accepting Jesus’ love, and it was beautiful. By the end of it the man was crying and just expressed thankfulness. We closed up our conversation and parted ways and I never saw him again, but that’s fine. I have faith that God will continue to put that man in more situations like that. That day a new believer was born and it was so beautiful. A lost sheep was found! By far that half hour of conversation was one of my highlights in Guatemala. So much more happened the rest of the time there and I’m looking forward to share more as I continue to write these. Thank you for taking time to read and God bless.